Winter Wellness
Activities for you to de-stress and relax at home

About the Winter Wellness Booklets
The Shipley Art Gallery has teamed up with five local artists from the North East of England to create two activity booklets for families and adults. Inspired by works from the Shipley collection, they have been designed for you to de-stress this winter and realise your creative potential.
The Winter Wellness booklets feature a range of activities suitable for adults 16+ and families that you can do at home. Activities include calligraphy, embroidery, watercolouring, drawing, wreath-making, decoration-making and origami. They have been designed from the following artists:
We hope that you find this resource a useful aid to relaxation and an effective tool to enable you to develop your creativity and try something new. This creative resource has been made possible by funding from the People’s Postcode Lottery.